“To provide baseline insights and personalised assessments allowing people to understand where their future health lies”
The insights we provide are acquired from vast quantities of health and wellness data from individuals of all ages, gender, and ethnicity allowing us to identify trends that are used to predict abnormal health conditions. Our use of advanced algorithms with machine learning are used to drive an artificial intelligence platform with enormous capabilities. As the days and the years go by we will continue to amass more and more anonymised markers and indicators that will help make predictions and risk more accurate and timely.
The timing for the Future Wellness Group could not be better. Our initial work centered on the prediction of Diabetes Type Two – a major debilitating chronic disease that is a major contributor to death, worldwide. This work then led to understanding the extended comorbidities that surround all chronic diseases and conditions and how we might be able to provide tools that would allow individuals to understand their own personal risk at any time in their lives.
The products and services we continue to develop and enhance will deliver a generational change in personal healthcare management at a critical time in our history as we experience a quantum shift in the availability and the way in which primary healthcare is provided.
This a not a recent problem. It has been growing over the past two decades with the issues only being exacerbated through the limitations and breakdown of medical support systems seen during the SARS Covid-19 virus pandemic. These issues have highlighted a growing global awareness of “pre-primary healthcare” as championed by the World Health Organisation as a means to help people receive better and more timely healthcare whilst also recognizing that personal prevention and health knowledge will be essential for anyone wishing to have a fulfilled and balanced life.
Our work is ongoing as we hone our abilities and develop integral ways to work with people, understand their anonymized data, and deliver valued insights for future health.
We are passionate about our work and enthusiastic about helping people to enjoy better and healthier lives and promise to do our best to exceed your highest expectations.
We welcome your participation in our journey….