We provide insights that allow you to understand your future health
A totally new perspective on personal health
Using groundbreaking technology we have developed novel techniques to predict your risk of having a chronic illness, across your lifetime!
What are personal health predictions and why they will change the way you think about your future health?
Chronic diseases are responsible for an estimated 41 million deaths each year, which represents 72% of all deaths globally.
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, chronic diseases are responsible for an estimated 41 million premature deaths each year, which represents 72% of all deaths globally.
The most common causes of chronic disease-related deaths are cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.
These conditions are responsible for a significant portion of the global burden of disease and the number of deaths caused by them is projected to continue to rise in the coming years.
Genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors can interact and influence each other, so they all play a role in determining an individual’s long-term health. If we could monitor, interpret, and analyze these factors in real-time we might for the first time be able to predict our future health pathways.
Unimaginable as this may seem, groundbreaking advances in technology such as artificial intelligence, leading-edge algorithms, intensive compute resources, wearable data, and intuitive personal insights allow us to build and maintain a baseline health profile that will predict your future health!.
How do our health predictions work for you?
Our health does not remain in a static state; it is dynamic, complex, and influenced by lifestyle choices, environmental conditions, genetic predispositions, and access to healthcare. Analyzing these factors as they apply to you allows us to predict what your future health would look like from your current baseline profile and comparative data from millions of other people.
We are individually unique in many ways – physical characteristics, personality, and behavior as well as our fingerprints, iris patterns, and our DNA*. Beyond that, we are anatomically similar which allows the power of advanced predictive analytics to be utilized effectively to determine your health profile. Our use of AI and specifically developed machine learning allows us to provide insights that have only ever been imagined.
Our number one goal is to assess, monitor, analyze, predict and recommend the best methodologies to ensure healthy lives in circumspect ways. We make full use of a massive dataset including personal health devices and whilst there has been a growing awareness of wearables and the data produced it has been found the value comes from the long-term trends that an individual builds over time and “our focus”.
Our predictions lead to the offer of guidance and maintenance by our team of highly experienced “health mechanics” working with the same principles you would use to maintain any piece of high-tech equipment that you wanted to use for a long trouble free period!
Think of this like an “F1 vehicle” – thousands of sensors are used to analyze various parameters so the highest levels of performance can be achieved for the best result and outcome.
Whilst we as humans are far more complex the basic principles are the same but we tend to ignore health issues en-masse. As a consequence (obviously not always) we tend to leave health issues until more than maintenance is required.
The products and services we continue to develop and enhance will deliver a generational change in personal healthcare management at a critical time in our history as we experience a quantum shift in the availability and the way in which primary healthcare is provided.
Personal health management and health literacy have now become a mandatory responsibility to ensure that there is a realistic chance of our primary health systems being able to provide support when we really need them.
Reducing the burden with self-management is the guiding principle of the pre-primary healthcare sector…
Pre-Primary Healthcare
“The importance of the pre-primary health sector and how it performs will be crucial to the wellbeing of billions of people across the world”
Pre-primary Healthcare is the biggest change in our understanding of how personal healthcare is perceived and managed in the past 200 years.
The Crisis in Healthcare:
Our traditional medical care systems operate basically the same across the world. Primary health care is delivered within our communities by general practice doctors and other health professionals and then with specialised secondary services at hospitals with dedicated physicians, surgeons, and nurses as required.
What is radically different across the world is how that medical care is accounted for. Many Western countries have public healthcare – the government pays, others have a combination of public and paid services and some have limited or restrictive public services.
This has created a number of issues. In large populations where this occurs, healthcare is not equitable and becomes a major factor as to how people live day to day.
- Long COVID conditions are getting little to no attention so their impact on our future health and our healthcare systems is unknown.
- The level of primary care delivered by general practitioners is declining with many leaving the profession and fewer students choosing medicine as a career.
- For decades, innovation in healthcare has focused on modern industrial societies and prioritised technically advanced hospitals with diminishing people-centered care.
- The level of primary care delivered by general practitioners is declining with many leaving the profession and fewer students choosing medicine as a career with other health professionals enduring workforce shortages and well-being issues.
- Primary and secondary healthcare failures are being reported in many so-called “healthy” countries including Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, South Korea
These issues have become more prominent as we push our medical structures to the point of breakdown as we try to understand the impact of these issues, and how they can be managed and mitigated long-term.
The World Health Organisation has a responsibility to provide guidance and on-ground support for all global population health matters and has set global health objectives:
WHO Global Health Objectives:
- The existing gross inequality in the health status of our people, particularly between developed and developing countries as well as within countries, is politically, socially, and economically unacceptable and is, therefore, of common concern to all countries.
- That people have a right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care.
- Primary healthcare is essential healthcare based on practical, scientifically sound, and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford. It forms an integral part both of a country’s health system and of the overall social and economic development of the community.
- An acceptable level of health for all the people of the world can be attained through better consideration and use of the world’s resources.
Expectations are that we will continue to have a “health care crisis” so there is an imperative for each of us to consider our approach to personal health care and personal health knowledge.
Moving Forward:
Our global community has 8+ billion members at last count, all seeking health care when required in a seemingly chaotic and inequitable world.
People are increasingly impatient with the inability of health services to deliver levels of coverage that meet stated demands and changing needs and now have little choice but to accept that the notion of available and effective primary health care will become a historical reference.
The path forward will not improve unless we all take steps to improve our own personal healthcare and health knowledge. To do this we must use and rely on digital technology to navigate to a position of strength where we are able to control our health destinies.
The overwhelming factor allowing global communities access to pre-primary healthcare and knowledge is the widespread availability of mobile phone and data services.
These services are widely available in our cities and urban areas and are now being made available in some of the most remote locations on our planet where they have been critically needed. This proliferation is providing a viable and consistent means to deliver global population access to attainable, baseline health assessments via a mobile phone.
The evidence from numerous studies is that people are more willing and able to care for themselves if they are confident, reassured, and certain of support. Studies from around the world demonstrate that close to 75% of all primary care consultations are appropriate for self-care and resulted in health professionals providing little more than reassurance, information or non-prescription drugs.
The most effective way to reduce the load on our primary care system is to reduce the number of people being seen. The only way to do that is for people to take greater and more informative responsibility for their future health.
We didn’t create the pre-primary healthcare sector, it has always been there, we recognise its significance to healthcare so we are helping to define its functionality along with many others around the world.
Your Privacy
Unique Personal Identifier: (UPI)
We care about you but we don’t need to know who you are to provide insights into your future health. We work really hard to ensure that there is no linkage between your health profile and any information we may need to retain for transactional purposes.
Our health platform systems use a Unique Personal Identifier (UPI) to manage your health profile. The UPI was developed to provide anonymisation and privacy of personal data without the need for any personal identification, eliminating any possibility of your health data being compromised.
We are very conscious of the need to protect both health and personal data so we spend considerable effort in doing that. To be more specific we do not collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, specific address details, or birthdates in relationship to your health profile.