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Navigator is a powerful groundbreaking personal software application that manages all the functionality that is needed to predict your future health. It uses your biomarkers and other health indicators, your health insights, and a number of other factors to create your health baseline which is then modelled against millions of other data points from thousands of people like you to determine your disease risk.

Navigator provides comprehensive functionality that will enable you to manage your future health. It features an intuitive visual dashboard with all your baseline data and risk levels, which can be drilled down for micro views, straightforward access to diaries plus configuration for all the elements we provide, secured with the highest levels of encryption and data protection. 

The Navigator Plan Elements:

The Navigator plans that we provide have several different elements that proportionally provide additional personal data points that allow us to provide more accurate and timely predictions. We describe all of the available elements in detail below:


Future Health Predictions:

Our specific purpose for building Navigator was to bring together your data to build and manage a baseline profile that can be modelled and trained along with decades of population and medical research and comparative data points from thousands of other people like you. 

Doing this allows us to predict future health conditions that in most cases take many years to manifest but with our machine language algorithms running on our compute-intensive AI platform (Goliath), we are able to see the pathways to these events enabling us to offer appropriate guidance and maintenance for preventative correction. 

With more elements, more data points are available, which improves the accuracy of prediction. Our modelling identifies health determinates that lead to abnormal conditions that have the potential to manifest into different disease conditions. Our reporting and feedback highlight disease risk and forecast time period to disease onset.


Assessments are conducted through questionnaires, providing us with valuable information that complements your health indicators. These assessments focus on aspects of your current lifestyle and well-being that can significantly influence your baseline health. 

We provide two types of assessments:

Lifestyle Assessment: This in-depth evaluation includes several questions and collects crucial data, including gender, ethnicity, and height as well as weight, and blood pressure using your own devices or those available in your workplace, at a community health center, or pharmacy, often at no cost. It is particularly useful when you are not utilising other core Navigator elements. Some of your responses from this assessment help establish your initial baseline, and subsequent assessments then require updates on your current lifestyle and well-being.

Adaptive Assessments: adjust based on each individual’s evolving responses. They are flexible, responsive, and iterative, with content dynamically changing based on previous answers and health baselines to build personalised health insights.

Adaptive assessments are produced every month and remain active until they are finalised. They serve as an indispensable component of maintaining and tracking your baseline health profile.

Medical Diary:

A medical diary is a comprehensive record that individuals maintain to document their complete medical history and other health-related information throughout their lives. 

This diary serves multiple valuable purposes for individuals:

Tracking Health: It serves as an effective tool for monitoring one’s health, including details related to diet, exercise, medications, and any health conditions or symptoms.

Communication with Healthcare Professionals: It facilitates communication and information sharing with authorized healthcare professionals. In today’s increasingly mobile society, where individuals may relocate across localities, states, or even countries, a personal medical diary becomes vital as access to centralized medical records may be limited.

To enhance the long-term benefits of keeping a medical diary, we have adopted the “International Patient Summary” or IPS format also with full support for Snomed CT with HL7 and FHIR to produce a Personal Health Summary or PHS, allowing your real-time data to complement the IPS for accurate diagnosis in many countries (detailed explanation).

Predictive Insight: For future health predictions, it provides valuable ongoing data points for establishing and maintaining a baseline health profile. This information can offer insights into trends and changes over time.

Comparative Analysis: Many individuals share similar backgrounds and environments, making their health diaries relatable. These shared experiences can offer valuable insights that can be used for modeling and predicting one’s health trajectory.

Baseline Profile: Data from the medical diary contributes to the creation of an individual’s baseline health profile. However, this information becomes most effective for trend analysis after at least three cycles (approximately three months).

Data Accessibility: A summarized version of your medical diary can be downloaded as needed. It’s important to note that we prioritize the security and privacy of your data. Our UPI technology ensures that there are no means to access any data that could identify you or link you to the contents of your medical diary.

Personal Health Devices:

The growth of wearables and other personal health devices (PHD’s) has been enormous over the past ten years as we have realised the value they provide to our daily lives. Along with the range of functionality, what we find particularly alluring are the designs and the accuracy of sensors in addition to new modalities powered by breakthrough technologies, that have ushered in a new era for personal biomonitoring.

PHD’s provide masses of real-time data that is interpreted with associated analysis for day-to-day living which is the primary purpose of these products and the many thousands of software applications available. 

Bio-markers and indicators from PHD’s provide us with a new level of capability to examine and analyse your physiological markers and your movement and activity data over long periods of time to identify changes and trends that influence your baseline and future health predictions. We aggregate data over a cycle and then annually and so on.

We have developed a data exchange that operates with the major products from brands such as Apple, Fitbit, Garmin, Samsung, etc. as well as many of the devices that support Android and iOS to collect your data transparently without any interference to the applications you may use daily for analysis.

Bi-Annual semi-invasive blood tests: 

Data from blood tests are an incredibly unique source of information that we cannot obtain in any other way. Traditionally, blood testing is conducted for many purposes including the early detection of diseases, prevention with tests for triglycerides and glucose, and as a means to monitor the effectiveness of treatments. 

There are literally thousands of different panels and specific blood analyte tests that can be performed but we tend to focus on those that affect your long-term health including complete blood count (CBC) determining your absolute numbers of red and white blood cells as well as platelets, lipid analyses that provide your levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) for measuring thyroid function and, HbA1C testing for glucose levels as an indicator for type 2 diabetes and overall metabolic health. 

Our bi-annual regime for blood testing is determined by your health profile at each anniversary so the type of tests will change to match your current baseline profile. An example of this process is for members who are over 40 with specific testing such as for males a PSA prostate-specific antigen test and for females a CA-125 test for ovarian cancer.

One of the main reasons that we do not have more blood testing are the issues related to collecting blood. Having to go somewhere to have your bloods taken, with the biggest drawback being the manner in which blood is collected – having a canular needle placed into your arm, usually with associated pain, and then a copious quantity of blood drawn that is never really needed. 

Fortunately, the collection of blood is becoming easier and more convenient to achieve. Technology development in this area is advancing and we expect that basic blood analysis will be available at medical point-of-care facilities in the near future. 

However, we still require accurate laboratory analysis so we use the latest technology that overcomes the major drawbacks of traditional blood collection. It is fundamentally non-invasive; placed on your arm, uses minute microneedles, with virtually no pain, collects about 200ul of blood (about 100 times less than a standard draw) can be done at home, and then dropped off at approved pathology locations, all at your convenience.


DNA sequencing and the ability for an individual to learn their genetic makeup has become a reality and one that provides attributes that can help us refine the data that is used in your baseline profile.

The Human Genome Project mapped the entire human genome in 2003 and since then numerous companies around the world are able to provide sequencing at an affordable cost. From a health perspective, the interest lies in the discovery of inherited genes that may be recessive or dominant for the predisposition to health risks and carrier status for certain genetic conditions.

Research into the influence of inherited genes is a major topic amongst medical institutions so we expect continuing revelations on effect and cause. However, we are in a unique position to understand whether or not your genes affect your future health.

There is extensive discussion on specific genes that when found to be dominant may have an influence on your health risk including BRCA1 and BRCA2 which are associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. APOE is associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The APOE gene comes in three forms, and the APOE4 variant is associated with the highest risk for Alzheimer’s. Another, ACE is a gene that encodes for an enzyme that plays a role in blood pressure regulation and one of the most discussed genes is the FTO gene. It is associated with an increased risk of obesity. Variants of this gene have been found to be associated with an increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Our goal is to map genes of concern and then model their potential influence on your future health.

Alerts for abnormal and critical conditions:

Alerts can be configured for your baseline profile that are determined based on both monitored real-time assessments and from modelling and future health predictions providing a powerful way to manage your 24/365 health. 

As we are constantly modelling your data we are able to establish and set alerts for fast-changing events. An example of this would be your ECG. Monitoring changes and comparisons with a database that has processed millions of waveforms to interpret disease conditions are trained against your long-term personal waveform results enabling us to establish alerts for abnormal and critical conditions. 

In addition, we apply additional resources and prioritise your real-time data to monitor heart rate, oxygenation, blood pressure, falls etc. (if available) to provide immediate alerts. 

We have developed a dual redundancy overlay that provides alerts from the Navigator application but also if there is a failure we provide direct alerts, geo-located with permission, to family and nominated third parties using SMS.

This element of Navigator applies our maximum capabilities to bring together insights from your future health modelling and real-time device monitoring to provide a completely managed personal healthcare ecosystem.

Desktop and mobile application:

For most plans, we provide both a mobile and desktop application for Navigator. The mobile application is our primary tool for mobile and tablet devices, supplemented by a desktop/browser version that offers extended functionality including an ability for granular views and analysis of data within tables and charts and extended configuration needed for some of the plan elements.

We provide application support for iOS and Android operating systems plus browser support for Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox.

In some areas and countries where mobile access may be problematic, we provide unique NFC token-based medallions for anonymous user health profile identification.

Other Markers:

We are constantly on the lookout for markers and indicators that may become available, such as those derived from our proteins, where “omics” profiling produces defined data that can be used to improve our metabolic health and new device functionality, as well as its applicability to our modelling and ability to improve predictions for better long term health outcomes.